Malik Riaz Hussain Offers 1 Biilion as Help to the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar

The Political battleground in the world around keeps on changing whilst we witness a new controversy on a daily basis within our surroundings. Still if there’s one issues which everyone is talking about, it’s the illicit ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims in the country of Myanmar. The act has seen thousands of Rohingya muslims wandering here and there whilst looking for a secured shelter.


This is where Malik riaz hussain, who is the Chairman of Bahria Town and one of the biggest real estate developers, has come up with a great noble gesture in the service of all the Rohingya muslims in the Myanmar country. As per the recent reports, Malik Riaz has taken a pledge of donating Rs. 1 Billion for the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar, whilst also providing them with the land accommodation in the process.

Whilst talking in a TV interview, Malik Riaz said: “Have we become so selfish that we cannot help our brother Muslims in Myanmar? The Europeans have openly welcomed Muslims from all over the world into their countries; can we not accommodate 1 million Rohingya Muslims in our country?”

“I am willing to donate Rs. 1 Billion along with land accommodation to help the Rohingya Muslims resettle in Pakistan. The government and establishment need to work together and help bring the Rohingya Muslims to Pakistan and this will help us as a nation. Allah will help us by helping others!”
“We are so passionate about Kashmir, then why not about Burma? We need to stand our own feet before the world declares us as terrorists and we end up as the Burmese Muslims. We need to take the initiative ourselves and support the Rohingya Muslims by giving them financial assistance and land to live,” he added further

It must be mentioned here that the Rohingya Muslims in Mynamar are currently facing through with the worst humanitarian crisis of ages, where the Burmese Army is seen slaughtering and massacring any Rohingya they are seeing on their way around. Moreover, When these innocent souls tried to sneak in through the territories of Bangladesh via Myanmar’s borders, they were been pushed back by the Bangladesh Army as per President Sheikh Hasina’s orders.

After seeing the same happening, some of the most renowned names like Waqar Zaka and Amir Liaquat have also confirmed that they will be going to Burma to help the Rohingya Muslims. Pakistan has to take all the desired steps in the required directions in order to help their Muslim brothers, as been decided in the Objective Resolution of 1949, by Liaquat Ali Khan, which states that the country will help muslims brothers all around the globe.

Whilst Malik Riaz is going along with the first steps, it would really be great to see what all will be happening around it and who all will be following his footsteps along with government’s reaction and response in the same context. Still one of the major issues that Pakistan would be facing in the same context Myanmar is an ally of China, and going against the government might not go well with the Chinese government. Still the efforts laid forward by Malik riaz Hussain must be appreciated and the government must provide all the support and assistance to him in the same regards.


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